The first ever SASUKE! I've seen it and I'm excited to see it.
Let's start SASUKE with the First Stage and Tosaki Takahiro is the announcer.
① Taki Nobori 滝登り
② Burasagari Maruta ぶら下がり丸太
③ Maruta Kudari 丸太下り
④ Sosoritatsu Kabe そそり立つ壁
⑤ Yureru Hashi 揺れる橋
⑥ Taki Kudari 滝下り
⑦ Free Climbing フリークライミング
⑧ Kabe Nobori 壁登り
#1: Our very first contestant is Tanaka Tomokazu. A black belt in karate, he should be fine on the jumping obstacles. Taki Nobori is cleared with flurrish and style. He's across the Burasagari Maruta by monkeying across the bottom. Taki Kudari is cleared, uhh with a slide, cool. He on the Sosoritatsu Kabe and NO! he missed it bad, but he runs a second time and clears, only 25 seconds left. Yes! Yureru Hashi is clear by bunny hopping and clears, but the warning bell is being a spas, and down the Maruta Kudari and clears. He's onto the Free Climbing and he falls and times out. This shows how tough SASUKE is even for a karata expert. Aggghh. Tanaka Tomokazu. Death by Free Climbing. Not bad for a first try though :)
#2: We have football player Yano Shinichi. Hopefully by seeing Tanaka he will know what to expect. Up the Taki Nobori and he's cleared. He runs across the Burasagari Maruta. Slides down the Maruta Kudari and clears. Sosoritatsu Kabe... YES! on his first try. Yureru Hashi... takes three steps and clears, with at least 20 seconds left, he should be okay. Onto the Maruta Kudari and Free Climbing, and onto the Kabe Nobori and he reaches the top with 2.2 seconds left. Yano Shinichi. Stage 1 Clear!
Well it's time to digest contenders now.
#3: Chigasaki High School Basketball Captain Miyajima Kazuya. Ahhh. Miyajima Kazuya. Death by Yureru Hashi.
#4: Volleyball Captain of Chigasaki High Iwasawa Ayako. Death by Taki Nobori.
#5: Hirata Ryojiro. The Rikkyo Wrestling Champion. Death by Yureru Hashi.
#6: Asayama Hiroshi. The Rikkyo Track and Field Champion. Death by Yureru Hashi.
#7: Gas Station Manager Yamamoto Shingo of Tokyo. He looks pepped up. It's kinda weird, I mean who gets pepped this quick? Anyhow he starts and wow he's rushing, and through the first three obstacles already, man this dude is something else. Certainly not slow, man he's already at the Free Climbing and with so much time left! He must be really pepped up, and he finishes with 29.0 seconds! Really pepped, he was so damn fast. Yamamoto Shingo. Stage 1 Clear!
What the? Back to digesting.
#8: Kawamura Takehiro. OMG he timed out at the top of the Kabe Nobori.
#18: What? we skipped ten contenders, but whatever. Yamamoto Yoshihito is a trucker, and he's fast. Racing and uh oh! Trouble at the Sosoritatsu Kabe and he is clear, but he finishes with 1.8 seconds left.
Yamamoto Yoshihito. Stage 1 Clear!
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