Thursday, July 22, 2010

SASUKE 1 (1997) Part 3

Part 3 of the first ever SASUKE. We've seen so many clears that I've lost count.

#64: is Tada Tomohiro and he clears. Tada Tomohiro. Stage 1 Clear!

#72: Kung Fu Sensei Yo Takashi. He's good at Kung Fu. Did he train Tanaka Tomokazu in Karate? He must be the reason Tanaka made it as far as the Free Climbing. He's on and he's up the Taki Nobori with gusto and determination, he's across the Burasagari Maruta. Taki Kudari. Clear. Sosoritatsu Kabe. Yes! on his first try! He's across the Yureru Hashi in three easy steps. Down the Maruta Kudari, which I don't even consider an obstacle. Up the Free Climbing and Kabe Nobori and Yes!. Yo Takashi. Stage 1 Clear!

#78: Sugimoto Keiiti. Stage 1 Clear!

#85: Minagawa Tomoki is here and Death by Burasagari Maruta.

#88: A surfer. He'll have good balance. He starts... uhhh dude time to start, TIME TO START!!! Okay he's starting and he's really making up for that late start as he's already at the Taki Kudari. Yes with a slide! Up the Sosoritatsu Kabe, and he takes three easy steps across the Yureru Hashi and he's up the Free Clmibing and Kabe Nobori and he clears. Inoue Kiyomi. Stage 1 clear!

#89: A champion of Geinojin (Celebrity) Sportsman No. 1 Kane Kosugi. Up the Taki Nobori calmly, and WTF he straddled the Burasagari Maruta briefly, down the Taki Kudari and up the Sosoritatsu Kabe. Across the Yureru Hashi and up the Free Climbing and Kabe Nobori, up and Whoa, nice save Kane and he clears with 2 seconds. Kane Kosugi. Stage 1 Clear!

#90: The 1997 Giant Slalom Champion Sato Hisaya. He's fast, and over the Taki Nobori and across the Burasagari Maruta, down the Taki Kudari easily, and up the Sosoritatsu Kabe with no flaws what so ever and now he's at the Yureru Hashi, and he just crossed it in three easy steps like everyone else. He's up the Free Climbing and Kabe Nobori, and he's clear with a blistering 29 seconds. Sato Hisaya. Stage 1 Clear!

#91: is Koyama Takashi an Office Worker. Doh! He timed out on top. Koyama Takashi. Death by Kabe Nobori.

#92: Oooh the Quick Muscle National Runner-Up. Propane Tank Delivery Driver Yamada Katsumi. He's ready, and he's up the Taki Nobori easy, and across the Burasagari Maruta. Down the devious Taki Kudari that has killed everybody almost. He's up the Sosoritatsu Kabe. Across the Yureru Hashi and down the Maruta Kudari. Up the Free Climbing and Kabe Nobori, and he clears with 5 seconds. Yamada Katsumi. Stage 1 Clear!

#93: Kokubu Ken fails. Death by Yureru Hashi.

#94: is Iketani Yukio. A gymnast who won silver in Barcelona. Good for him. I wonder who got gold. Oh boy, he's up the Taki Nobori, and across the Burasagari Maruta, and he jumps down the Maruta Kudari from the top, whoa he's got 51 seconds left and he's already at the Sosoritatsu Kabe. Yay! He's across the Yureru Hashi and with 40 seconds left. Ouch a bit of a stumble, but he's up and clear with nearly 30 seconds left. Not quite enough to beat Hidekazu Miyagi, but good. Yukio Iketani. Stage 1 Clear!

#95: A gym instructor, wow. Aww he time out. Death by Kabe Nobori.

#96: is Edo theme park ninja Hasegawa Ken. Stage 1 Clear!

#97: Omori Akira the comedian. Dancing fast, and he's racing and already past the Taki Nobori and the Burasagari Maruta easily. Down the Taki Kudari, and the Sosoritatsu Kabe sports no problem, he's fast already at the Yureru Hashi. Down the Maruta Kudari, and up the Free Climbing, and Kabe Nobori. Clear. Omori Akira. Stage 1 Clear!

#98: is Ishikawa Masaya. Death by Kabe Nobori.

#99: Fukada Hazime. Death by Taki Kudari.

#100: Amateur Boxer Kawashima Hiroshi. He's all set, and up the Taki Nobori, ahhh. No! Wait Yes! he clears. Burasagari Maruta. Slips and hangs on, but No! he slipped. Kawashima Hiroshi. Death by Burasagari Maruta.

Tosaki Takahiro's back as announcer. 23 have cleared the First Stage.

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