Part 2 of the first ever SASUKE. So far 3 people have cleared and were going on.
#22: is Sakamoto Takashi, a stuntman. Up the Taki Nobori, and through the Burasagari Maruta. He's across the Taki Kudari, and the Yureru Hashi. And he's just confidently walking up to the Free Climbing, and he's up the Kabe Nobori and he clears the stage with 6 seconds. Sakamoto Takashi. Stage 1 Clear!
#25: Wakae Kazuo is here and he's over the first obstacle. He's across the Taki Kudari, and he's already at the Sosoritatsu Kabe, and is having trouble, and up the Free Climbing, and Kabe Nobori, and he clears. Wakae Kazuo. Stage 1 Clear!
#31: Oota Yuusuke a swimmer. Stage 1 Clear!
#40: A construction worker. Miura Eiichi. He's looking like Yamamoto right now, because he's pepped. Over the Taki Nobori. He's sliding across the Burasagari Maruta easily, and across the Taki Kudari, what is with these pepped up people? Up the Sosoritatsu Kabe and across the Yureru Hashi. Onto the Free Climbing, clearing it like a regular rock wall, and up the Kabe Nobori easy, he clears with plenty of time left. Miura Eiichi. Stage 1 Clear!
#43: Koyama Zhou. Don't know much about him. He clears with one second left. Koyama Zhou. Stage 1 Clear!
#47: We have a winning streak as Motoharu Araki clears. Motoharu Araki. Stage 1 Clear!
#48: Tatsukawa Tomihiro is an Insurance Salesman. No! Bad jump. Tatsukawa Tomihiro. Death by Taki Kudari.
#49: Kawashima Takayuki. An acrobat. He won 6th in the 1995 world championship. He clears easily.
Announcer Switch. Furutachi Ichiro. Tosaki must be tired.
#54: is Hidekazu Miyagi an Amateur Boxer, and he's up the Taki Nobori easily, and he's across the Burasagari Maruta. He's across the next obstacles, wow he's fast, alright, he's cleared the stage with 33 seconds, and he just broke Shingo's record. Hidekazu Miyagi. Stage 1 Clear!
#59 is Iijima Toyohisa, and he looks like Bruce Lee. Wow. Up and down on the course and already at the Taki Kudari, and WTF he just flipped and now he's across the Yureru Hashi and up the Free Climbing and Kabe Nobori, and he's clear with nearly 20 seconds left. Iijima Toyohisa. Stage 1 Clear.
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